Think globally, Act locally…

Act Responsible, think sustainable. Sometimes less really is more!

Sustainability Perspective


We aim to be a leader advocating sustainability practices in the industries where we are involved. We will constantly rethink and realign our behavior, innovation and technology in a sustainable manner for our environment and our businesses. We will seek to influence others to follow us. By infusing our strong beliefs in being culturally, socially and environmentally conscious, we will offer unique experiences, incorporating sustainable elements to our clients. We believe that this vision will bring sustainability and profitability to all our businesses.


Our mission is to provide exceptional travel experiences while integrating sustainable practices that protect the environment, preserve cultural heritage, and support local communities. We are committed to minimizing our ecological footprint by reducing waste, conserving natural resources, and promoting responsible tourism. Through collaboration with clients, employees, and partners, we aim to inspire ethical behavior and foster a deeper respect for the cultural and environmental richness of the destinations we explore.


Our Sustainability Policy is based upon the following principles:

  • To comply withand exceed, where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
  • To integrate sustainability considerations into our decision-making.
  • To ensure that our employees are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implement and improve it.
  • To minimize any negative cultural, social and environmental impactwhen conducting our activities.
  • Toinform our clients and suppliers of our Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices.
  • To review, annually report and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.


We commit to:

  • Minimize environmental impacts in the areas of waste, water, energy, and air quality.
  • Give back to communities by volunteering and donating resources.
  • Ensure our supply chain has responsible cultural, social and environmental practices.
  • Create innovative approaches to minimize negative environmental impacts, improve economic bottom lines and integrate social elements in our products.
  • Address cultural, social, economic and environmental impacts of the company’s activities, including employee-related health & safety aspects.

Our Commitment & Scope

  • This policy will apply to all activities of our organization. Our employees and contractors are expected to uphold objectives under this policy on an optimal basis subject to practical and budgetary considerations.
  • Though we cannot control the decisions of third parties that we work with, we commit to educate them of our policy and encourage them to align their operating practices with our policy objectives.
  • Our attention to environmental, culture, social and economic responsibility includes working within the law and voluntarily exceeding legal requirements in order to be innovative and demonstrate leadership on the issues that are important to our stakeholders and us.

Our Sustainability Policy is available Here.

Sustainability Tips

Last Update: Apr 15, 2021

General Tips For Your Holidays

  • Be considerate of the communities and environment you visit.
  • Do not litter.
  • Carry your own shopping bag to avoid contributing to the plastic problem in many countries of the world.
  • Lose the straw and if you want one, bring your own reusable one.
  • Educate yourself about the place you are visiting and the people.
  • Respect cultural differences and learn from it! People in different places do things differently.
  • Dress respectively. Cover up away from the beach. Cover your head in religious places. Notice local dress codes and adhere to them.
  • Do not purchase or eat endangered species (e.g., turtle egg soup, crocodile handbags).
  • Support the local economy. Buy locally made souvenirs, eat at local restaurants – enjoy the local culture!
  • Do not support the illegal drug trade or the sex trade. Recognize the signs of human trafficking.
  • Take public transit. Use a bicycle. Or if you must rent a car, why not a hybrid or electric one if available?
  • Support a local charity or organizations that works towards responsible tourism – if you are not sure – ask around, it is a great way to start a conversation.

Souvenirs to avoid

The clients are reminded to avoid purchasing illegal souvenirs (such as all souvenirs made from animal parts) or it is not recommended to bring non-biodegradable souvenirs for native people. Such as:

Teak (decoration, masks, etc.)

The Teak tree comes from Southeast Asia and its wood has an intense golden-brown color. Teak is known worldwide for its durability and water resistance. Many markets offer teak handicraft such as masks, panel-work or carvings. However, buying these products is not recommended. Even some of the quality seals are questionable. The wood comes mostly from tropical rain forests, one of the most valuable and species-rich habitats of the world, which are thereby being destroyed.

Corals (jewellery, decoration, etc.)

In the last 30 years, the global population of all corals has decreased by about 40%. The main reasons for this being the increase in water temperature due to climate change, the ever-increasing marine pollution and the overfishing of reef fish.

Animal products (jewellery, decoration, etc.)

The purchase of all souvenirs made from the hides, teeth, amour, etc. of animals such as tigers, elephants, turtles, butterflies, seahorses and other marine life such as shellfish should be avoided. Buying these products encourages poaching. In addition, it is not uncommon for animals to be mistreated before and during their death.

Crocodile and Snakeskin (belts, boots and shoes, decoration etc.)

The hides and skins of protected animals, such as crocodiles or snakes, are used in processed form as decorative elements or are transformed into other everyday items (bags, belts, shoes). These animals are often savagely hunted and mistreated. Hides and skins are also subject to species protection rules.

Turtles (soap and cream products, eggs, tortoiseshell, medicines etc.)

250,000 sea turtles end up as a by-catch as a result of excessive fishing every year. Increasing marine pollution is also destroying their habitats and breeding grounds. A total of seven species of sea turtles are right now endangered. The trade with sea turtle products is therefore prohibited worldwide.

Butterflies (stuffed animals, wings, etc.)

Some of the species of butterflies are offered as souvenirs. The main reasons are their distinctive pattern and colour gradients.

Visiting Local Communities

Buying souvenirs from Orang Asli

The clients are encouraged to Buy locally made handicrafts. Basically, during visiting the local communities, it is a great way to find unique souvenirs and therefore support local craftspeople and traditions.

Gifts for Orang Asli

We do encourage bringing simple gifts when visiting the native settlement, a normal Asian custom. However, we do recommend items such as exercise books, pencil, rice or biscuits. Sweets and snacks especially in non-biodegradable plastics are not encouraged.

Visiting Religious Places

The clients are reminded to follow the wear the dress appropriately during visiting religious places such as mosques and temples.

Muslim mosques

  • Take off your shoes, hats and sunglasses. There will usually be a rack for shoes outside of the entrance to the mosque. In addition to removing your shoes, take off your hat and sunglasses.
  • Cover your head and hair. Bring a scarf or shawl, which you can use to cover your head upon entering a mosque.
  • Pay attention to signs at the entrance. Some mosques will have separate designated entrances for men and for women. If you miss the sign but notice that men and women are gathering on different sides, enter accordingly.
  • Don’t take pictures during prayer. Tourists are generally allowed to use cameras inside mosques, but they should refrain from doing so during prayer times.

Buddhist temples

  • Take off your shoes and hats before entering. There will almost always be a sign outside of the temple pointing visitors to the designated area for shoes and hats. The many pairs of visitors’ shoes clumped together will tip you off.
  • Cover your shoulders. Since it gets very hot in Asian countries during the summer, many tourists forget to cover their shoulders and legs before entering places of worship. One way to plan is to dress in layers and bring a scarf or shawl along, no matter where you go. When visiting temples, capri pants and long skirts are preferable to shorts, although men can sometimes get away with wearing long shorts.
  • Ask permission before taking pictures. Make sure it is okay to use your camera, especially when taking photographs inside a temple with statues. If you do take pictures, it is always nice to leave a donation.
  • Do not touch Buddha statues. Remind your kids before entering not to touch or climb on top of the Buddha statues.
  • Do not touch Buddhist monks, especially if you are female. Women are not supposed to hand items to monks, either. Men who need to hand something to a monk, or take something from a monk, should try to use their right hands.

Hindu temples

  • Take off your shoes before entering. There will almost always be a sign outside of the temple pointing visitors to the designated area for shoes. The many pairs of visitors’ shoes clumped together will tip you off.
  • Cover your shoulders and legs. Bring a shawl or sweater and try to wear long pants or long skirts. Wearing tank tops or shorts in a Hindu temple is seen as disrespectful.
  • Ask permission before taking pictures. Make sure it is okay to use your camera, especially when taking photographs inside the temple of statues or images of Hindu deities. If you do take pictures, it is always nice to leave a donation.
  • Use your right hand. When handing a donation (or anything else) to a person, use your right hand.
  • Try not to wear leather inside. While this is not a steadfast rule, it is polite to remove leather shoes, belts, jackets, et cetera upon entering a Hindu temple.

Christian churches

  • Cover your shoulders and knees. It is polite to avoid wearing a sleeveless top or short. Bring a sweater or shawl to cover up, and wear knee-length pants and skirts.

Sustainability Policy

Last Updated: Mar 5th, 2025

We aim to be a leader advocating sustainability practices in the industries where we are involved. We will constantly rethink and realign our behavior, innovation and technology in a sustainable manner for our environment and our businesses. We will seek to influence others to follow us. By infusing our strong beliefs in being culturally, socially and environmentally conscious, we will offer unique experiences, incorporating sustainable elements to our clients.

1. Overview

Asian Overland Services Tours and Travel Sdn. Bhd. (AOS), is committed to running our business sustainably. We care about the impact we make on the environment, economy and social culture framework in the destinations we operate and promote. We aspire to increase and share our knowledge on sustainability through training. Our actions will respect the environment, the biodiversity and habitat through green practices such as recycle and reuse.  We aim to support and elevate standards of living of the local communities by promoting local products, culture & traditions. We will influence our partners to do the same through knowledge sharing.

2. Objective of Policy

The objective of this policy is to provide the framework for expressing Asian Overland Service’s commitment to the incorporation of sustainability principles and practices in the way we run the business.

3. Scope of Policy

This policy will apply to all activities of our organization. Our employees and contractors are expected to uphold objectives under this policy on an optimal basis subject to practical and budgetary considerations. Though we are not in the position to make decisions of third parties that we work with, we commit to educate them of our policy and encourage them to align their operating practices with our policy objectives. Our attention to environmental, culture, social and economic responsibility includes working within the law and voluntarily exceeding legal requirements in order to be innovative and demonstrate leadership on the issues that are important to our stakeholders and us.

4. Principles

AOS’s Sustainability Policy based upon three main scopes: environment, social-cultural and economic is outlined below:

4.1. Environment

We are committed to protect the environment and conserve biodiversity through sustainable activities. Sustaining the environment and biodiversity is a prime consideration in all aspects and stages of our operations.

4.1.1. Habitat and natural protected areas

AOS will ensure that in such protected areas, our activities will have minimal impact on the biological diversity and its natural and cultural resources. AOS will strictly comply with legal requirements which aims for the same.

4.1.2. Animals, wildlife and threatened species

AOS’s activities will ensure that they contribute to the appreciation of threatened species with the hope to reduce any harmful action that could occur towards them. AOS will not promote in any tour program related to animals unless the program organizer, sanctuary or the facility comply with the welfare quality criteria which is acceptable. AOS will promotes the facilities only if they comply with the following principles: License/permission

The sanctuary/facility should have all relevant regional, national and local government permits and licences. Welfare and care

All animals should be kept in clean, comfortable, species-appropriate and enriched environments. Animal welfare at the facility should be under the active supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Animal acquisition

Animals may not be purchased. Animals may only be accepted as a result of official confiscation, by donation or by rescue. All records should be kept of the source of all animals. Removal of animals from facilities

No sale of animals is allowed. An animal can only move from a facility to another facility that is demonstrably of equal or better standards and then only if relocation is in the animal’s best interests. Records should be kept of any disposition (including death) of animals. Commercial activities

No commercial exploitation, including performances, shows or use of animals as photo props, is allowed. Handling of animals

No physical contact is allowed between visitors and animals. Physical contact is only permitted between staff and animals when necessary for essential management/veterinary purposes.

4.1.3. Forbidden souvenirs

AOS will never promote illegal souvenirs. or even don’t send the clients to the destination or tourist attractions which provides forbidden souvenirs. The “AOS Forbidden Souvenirs List includes “Threatened flora and fauna species”, provided by WWF Malaysia.

Generally, the AOS forbidden souvenir is any product which is created from undomesticated animals’ organs (such as skin, tooth, horn, shell, ivory, etc…).

4.1.4. Waste Reduce/Reuse/Recycle

All employees in AOS are encouraged to apply the practice of REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE in the workplace. In order to achieve this goal, AOS provides recycle bins in our offices.

AOS also request the clients to apply this practice in our programs by putting “Green Practice Notes” in the clients’ itinerary and installing notices in the vehicles.

4.1.5. Water usage reduction

AOS tries to reduce its water consumption, which is monitored and based on a water risk assessment. The office water use is measured on a monthly basis for benchmark purposes. Air-Condition water is recycled for urinals. Water-Saving Initiatives

AOS is committed to water-saving practices, such as reusing air-conditioner condensate and installing water-efficient fixtures wherever possible. These efforts are designed to reduce unnecessary water usage across our facilities.. Awareness and Engagement

AOS encourages staff to be mindful of their water usage and adopt habits that conserve water. Regular reminders and awareness campaigns highlight simple steps, such as turning off taps promptly and reporting leaks.

4.1.6. Paper usage reduction

The company’s policy is to avoid unnecessary paper consumption. To achieve this goal, we focus on the following areas: Paperless systems

AOS plans to have a paperless office by the beginning of the year 2025. Efficient printing

All employees in AOS must apply the practice of reducing paper usage in the workplace. We encourage our staff to change the print setting for all copiers to 2-sided printing and multiple (two pages in one A4 sheet paper), removing unnecessary space, margins and photos from documents before printing. Digital/Online promotional materials

Hard copies of our Company’s brochures will be supplied on a need basis and we encourage our clients to access them electronically.

For our conference department, all conference information, keynote speaker, abstract, exhibition manual will be uploaded in each Conference website. Registered delegates are provided with a special password to download the conference contents.

4.1.7. Energy usage reduction

In order to reduce energy consumption, AOS has established the Energy Usage Reduction Policy which includes the below steps. Energy Efficient Electrical Devices

AOS is committed to use energy efficient electrical appliances including air conditioners, refrigerators, water heater/cooler, microwave oven, computer devices and other electrical items when replacing them. Efficient lighting

Regular light bulbs are being replaced with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). Natural sunlight is also widely used in the office by opening blinds and curtains. Using Solar Energy

AOS plans to install solar energy panels by end of 2025. Efficient energy usage practice and economization

Computers, printers, radios & other machines will be turned off when not in use. Standby and energy save modes will be used when not feasible to switch off.

All lights and air condition will be switched off during lunch hour.

4.1.8. Air Pollution reduction

As a responsible company, AOS recognises the importance of achieving sustainability by balancing our economic priorities with our concerns and priorities in environmental and social issues. Hence, we recognise the impacts of GHG emissions from our operation activities on global climate change and we are fully committed to reducing our carbon emissions as below. Using Public transportation

Besides offering different verity of transport options to the clients, AOS provided Kuala Lumpur Map, also public Transit Map in its “daily tour brochures” to help the travellers to use public transport in order to reduce the carbon footprint. Eco-friendly tours

AOS is committed to embed sustainability within its own daily operations for all activities, hence AOS offers different variety of walking or cycling tours in cultural excursions. Furthermore, AOS offers SIC (shared) tours with lower rates encouraging clients to use SIC services instead of private tours, in order to reduce carbon footprint during the activities. Overland transportation

AOS offers SIC (shared) overland transfers with lower rates and encourage clients to use SIC services instead of private transfers. During the overland services, our driver must switch off the engine if there are no passengers onboard the coach when the coach has stopped for refreshment. Air transfers

For short distance we do advise clients that there is public transport which are sustainable alternatives such as ferry, bus and train. Cleaner Fuel

All company vehicles are required to use Euro 5 diesel or higher for cleaner emissions and improved fuel efficiency, helping to reduce carbon monoxide produced by the engine.

4.1.9. Plastic usage reduction

Plastic pollution, accumulation in the environment of synthetic plastic products is to the point where they create problems for wildlife and their habitats as well as for human populations. AOS is committed to reduce Non-degradable products’ usage, especially plastic such as bags, bottles, cups and lids, straws and plates in accordance to “Malaysia’s Roadmap towards zero single-use plastics 2018-2030”. In order to reach to the above goal, the below principles have been following: Single-use plastics ban

All employees are encouraged to avoid using single-use plastics and carry their own tiffin’s if they wish to pack food. Plastic bottle

AOS do not provide drinking water in plastic bottle during its tours and programs. Instead, a refillable water bottle is offered at the start of the trip to the guests. The tour guide also will discuss and educate the travellers about the environmental challenges caused by plastic waste. Any excess plastic that is still generated by guests is disposed through recycling centres. Shopping bag

All employees are encouraged to bring their own shopping bag to reduce usage of plastic bags.

4.1.10. Chemicals

AOS is committed to the substitution of all aggressive and eco-unfriendly products with more environmentally friendly solutions. We have completely abandoned the use of chemical cleaning agents for the benefit of ecologically acceptable cleansers from bio-production. We use only cleaning materials for office and toilet maintenance. Dangerous or aggressive materials and liquids are not in use, except for ordinary use of office equipment (ink, toners, batteries etc.).

4.1.11. Responsible Purchasing

To demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, AOS has established a Purchasing Policy aimed at ensuring that all purchased goods and services support sustainability efforts while maintaining efficiency, fairness, and compliance with applicable laws. The policy includes the following steps. Supplier Sustainability Practices

AOS prioritizes suppliers that demonstrate sustainable practices, including responsible sourcing, ethical labor standards, and environmental stewardship. Eco-Friendly Procurement

AOS ensures that purchased goods and services enhance energy efficiency, minimize waste, and promote the use of eco-friendly and renewable materials. Certified Sustainable Products

AOS prefers vendors with recognized sustainability certifications (e.g., recycled materials, fair trade, energy efficiency labels). Waste Reduction and Product Lifecycle

AOS reduces environmental impact by considering products with minimal packaging, longer life cycles, and recyclability. Support for Local Businesses

AOS supports local businesses and suppliers to strengthen local economies and reduce carbon footprints associated with transportation. Ethical Disposal and Repurposing

AOS encourages responsible disposal or repurposing of goods to minimize landfill contributions. Procurement Transparency and Compliance

AOS adheres to internal procurement policies, ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with all relevant regulations. AOS also requires all business partners and suppliers to align with these principles to foster a more sustainable and ethical supply chain.

4.2. Social-Cultural

AOS is committed to the advocacy of minimal negative impacts towards social and cultural legacies.  AOS endeavors to put in all efforts in the following areas in order to achieve this.

4.2.1. Working Environment

AOS is committed to responsible corporate practices in the area of human rights and working conditions. AOS’s human rights expectations apply to all our personnel, business partners and other parties directly linked to our operations, products or services. Labour and working condition

AOS is committed to align with practices established by the government and follow Laws of Malaysia Act 256 (Employment) and 350 (Children and Young Persons Employment).  Living wage, working hours, breaks, holidays and leave periods, insurance and all HR policies will be established in compliance with local laws and agreements. Equal opportunities and diversity

AOS is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action company and committed to provide equal opportunities for all staff and applicants. All AOS employees and applicants are been considered without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability genetic information, or protected Veteran status. Harassment including sexual harassment

AOS is committed to provide a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct such as harassment, coercion, or disruptive behavior. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, will not be tolerated. We practice a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as: unwanted sexual advances, speaking and/or showing physical movements of a sexual nature to the opposite sex, gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex, requests for sexual favours made either explicitly or implicitly as a condition for continued  employment,  or  used  explicitly  or implicitly  as  an  inducement  for recruitment. Any other conduct which has sexual connotations, the effect of which interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment for the opposite sex. Child Labour

AOS is in full compliance with the Labour Law of Malaysia relating to labour of a child or young person under the Children and Young Persons (Employment)- Act 1966. Child sexual exploitation

AOS has zero tolerance towards any program, or material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation in compliance with the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017. AOS will also encourage employees to report any form of the same if they come across such. Maternity

AOS offers schemes for maternity leave for female employees. The company ensures compliance with Malaysian legislation, which states 60 days maternity leave for female employees post-natal and up to the 5th child. Measuring employee satisfaction

Employees are the base of our organization. Their knowledge and skills are crucial for successful business operations. But we also recognize as equally important their happiness and satisfaction with working conditions, teamwork and department cooperation. Therefore, it is of upmost importance to learn from their inputs what can be improved and what are their suggestions and complaints. For these purposes the company has developed questionnaires which are anonymous and distributed quarterly to all employees. Their results are analysed and presented to the management who take the results in consideration when planning. Anti-Corruption

An employee shall not accept lavish entertainment, commission, emolument, service, gratuity, money, property or any pecuniary benefit or gift for his own personal benefit from any person/agent or representative having a direct or indirect business dealing with the employee. Nothing may be given or received which might distort commercial judgment of the employee and harm the reputation of AOS.

4.2.2. Local communities Protection

In order to support local communities and native people, AOS is committed to take the below steps. Encourage travellers to stay with local communities

AOS is committed to design and promote programs for travellers to stay in native houses, during their stay, local food is provided by local native people. Promote local handicrafts and souvenirs

AOS is committed to encourage the clients to purchase hand-made souvenirs which are offered by natives. Local communities’ empowerment

AOS is committed to support local communities such as the Dedari natives in Taman Negara where we promote and support their Community Based Tourism project. Employ locals

AOS strives to employ local nature guides, boatmen suppliers and operators in all destinations as much as possible.

4.2.3. Heritage Protection

AOS is committed to comply all its activities to laws of Malaysia ACT 645, in order to protect the conservation and preservation of National Heritage, natural heritage, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, underwater cultural heritage, treasure trove and for related matter.

According to the Act, cultural heritage includes cultural property, structures or artifacts, performances, dances, songs and music that are pertinent to the history or contemporary way of life for Malaysians as well as land or underwater cultural heritage of the tangible form. Whilst natural heritage includes natural features of an area in Malaysia consisting of the earths physical or biological formations or groups of such formations, geological or physio-graphical features, mountains, rivers, streams, rock formations, sea shores or any natural sites with outstanding value from the point of view of nature, science, history, conservation or natural beauty including flora and fauna. Malaysia’s intangible cultural heritage comprises: (i) oral traditions (phrases and idioms, chanted hymns, folktales, narrated myths, and legends); (ii) performing arts (folk music, folk dances, and dramatic performances); (iii) customs (rituals, social practices including ceremonies and festivals) and (iv) material folklore (functional objects made by folk groups).

4.3. Economical

AOS intend to motivate all employees and tourists towards social consciousness to defend the cultural legacies and promote access to different communities in order to benefit them by using all their resources and contribute to their economic development.

5. Commitments and Activities

AOS is determined to ensure sustainability practices through the following commitment and sustainability activities:

5.1. Collaboration and Partnership

The collaboration and partnership is a deliberate effort to enhance and support the company in establishing and developing linkages, partnerships and collaborations with not only other sustainable partners in the industry but also NGOs, and other international sustainability organization.  It is necessary to promote, strengthen and diversify sustainability initiatives through the synergies developed across partnerships and collaborations established within the industry.

5.2. Training and Communication

As a responsible company, AOS helps employees understand how key sustainability principles apply to their specific job function, so they are better able to see opportunities and take actions that contribute to the overall sustainability of the organization.

 AOS is also committed to communicate with all business partners, suppliers and freelance service providers in order to encourage them to participate in all sustainability practices, activities and training.

5.3. Application & Execution

AOS ensures the stringent application and execution of all sustainability efforts by the Company in accordance with the set AOS Sustainability Policy.

5.4. Supporting and Donation

AOS is committed to support nature protection organisations and/or community development or other local/national sustainability initiatives.

AOS indirectly supports the local communities by employing local guides, nature guides, drivers and boatmen, suppliers and operators in the destinations as much as possible. AOS also encourages clients to support local products.  Local natives are also supported through the Guide Course Sponsorship Program.

Each year AOS makes pledges and contributions to a number of charitable organisations which work to preserve the natural habitat of endangered species in Malaysia, the native communities, and wildlife sanctuaries. AOS also encourage tourists to contribute through individual donations that can help the local social associations such as the refugees.

5.5. Monitoring, Measuring and Reporting

AOS is committed to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the sustainability policy, objectives and targets and regularly communicate sustainability activities, efforts, achievements and future targets to our partners and clients through newsletters. Besides that, AOS sustainability report, including our activities, achievements and future benchmarks will be published in the AOS website bi-annually.

6. Supporting Documentation and Relevant Policies

Act 265 Laws of Malaysia Employment ACT 1955 Last update: 30 Apr 2012
Act 350 Laws of Malaysia Employment ACT 1966 Last update: 1 Dec 2011
Act 645 Laws of Malaysia Employment ACT 2005 Last update: 1 Jun 2006
Malaysia’s Roadmap towards zero single-use plastic (2018-2030) Published in 2018

7. Versioning

AOS sustainability policy Version 1.0 Last update: 20 Dec 2018
AOS sustainability policy Version 1.1 Last update: 10 Oct 2019
AOS sustainability policy Version 1.2 Last update: 12 Aug 2024
AOS sustainability policy Version 1.3 Last update: 05 Nov 2024
AOS sustainability policy Version 1.4 Last update: 05 Mar 2025

Travelife Sustainability Partner

Travelife is an internationally recognised training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies and hotels committed to reaching sustainability. More than 1500 in over 50 countries are using Travelife to improve their business’s environmental, cultural and social impact.

We are committed to run our business sustainably. We are engaged with the Travelife certification program and we have started the process to work step by step towards complying with its international sustainability standards.Travelife has a 3-stage program for tour operators and travel agents:

  1. Travelife Engaged
  2. Travelife Partner
  3. Travelife Certified

Currently, we are in the process of renewing our Travelife Partner status. Our Travelife Partner award has expired as the Partner certificate was valid only until July 2, 2020. This recognition will reflect our commitment to social and environmental sustainability. Also, we will continue to meet over 100 criteria related to sustainability management, office operations, supplier collaboration, and customer communication. Our efforts remain focused on continuous improvement as we work towards achieving Travelife Certified status.

To provide transparency on our sustainability journey, we invite you to explore our latest Sustainability Report 2025. This report details our ongoing efforts, commitments, and progress in responsible tourism.

Green Choice

We are committed to protect the environment and conserve biodiversity through sustainable activities. Sustaining the environment and biodiversity is a prime consideration in all aspects and stages of our operations.

As a sustainable Company, we are also committed to choose, support and recommend the services, accommodations and suppliers who care about the society and environment.

We are also committed to create innovative approaches to minimize negative environmental impacts, improve economic bottom lines and integrate social elements in our products.

AOS Green Choices are the products (includes accommodations, daily tours and packages) that meet our standards in accordance to AOS Sustainability Policy.


try to reduce to the minimum the consumption of natural resources, the expense of energy or the emissions and they take special care of the waste treatment so their environmental impact is as low as possible.

Daily Tours

to empower and enable travelers as well as local communities to leave a positive cultural, social, economic and environmental impacts on the surrounding environments in which they visit, or live.


traveling without harming natural and cultural environments and minimise the negative impacts of tourism and ideally be beneficial to the area in which it takes place.

Greener Sustainable Islands

A Greener Sustainable Langkawi – 2021

There is a need to educate all communities in Langkawi to be sustainable. Environmental sustainability is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect ecosystems to support the health and wellbeing of the whole ecosystem. Sustainability is a psychological phenomenon too.
In Langkawi, we have experienced the long-term consequences of exponential industrial growth,water and energy use. We must act to reverse these effects and prevent further damage, to ensure we have a healthy planet to live for generations to come.
For businesses, it means committing to environmentally sustainable practices to help build our thriving communities and secure future growth potential.
In this online conference, we have many local champions sharing their story in their journeys to make Langkawi Greener and more Sustainable.